First Visit Expectations

Your first visit is not only about our team getting to know you but also about you getting to know our team. We encourage our patients to ask questions and express any concerns. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to make your visit exceptional! 

Certain medical conditions can influence your treatment plan, so you will be asked to list your medications and their dosages (including vitamins and supplements). 

Next, we will perform a comprehensive oral exam that is divided into three parts: 

Oral Cancer Screening - head/neck exam and soft tissue evaluation

Dental Assessment - evaluation of the teeth position, condition, health, current restorations, and appearance

Periodontal Assessment - periodontal charting including gum recession

Once your exam is complete, your doctor will talk with you about their findings. Together you can create a healthy, effective treatment plan that best meets your dental and personal requirements. We can prioritize and stagger your treatments to give you a smile you deserve in a timeframe you can afford.

Finally, we want you to know we will go above and beyond to make you feel relaxed and safe. Not only is your physical comfort important to us, but your emotional well-being is, too.